Thursday, October 15, 2009

18 1/2 Philadelphia Film Festival: Opening Night

Okay, so the Philadelphia Film Society and TLA Entertainment broke up. The Film Society will continue the Philadelphia Film Festival while TLA is starting its own festival called CineFest. The rift occurred a while ago but the two groups were able to work together one last time for April's awkwardly named Philadelphia Film Festival and CineFest 09. But now the split is official and it looks like Film Society wanted to get the jump on TLA by producing a mini festival this fall, the oddly titled 18 1/2 Philadelphia Film Festival (April being the 18th time Philadelphia has had a film festival). Anyway, for opening night they had one movie:

Law Abiding Citizen

This movie is exactly what it looks like it's going to be from the trailers. I think that's the fairest review I can give it. I've talked to people who think this movie looks terrible and people who think it looks awesome. They're both right. There's nothing really original or exceptional here but the film has a brisk pace that lets it keep the action coming without giving you too much time to think about the ridiculous plot or muddled social commentary. For me, this movie just barely managed to avoid drowning in a sea of mediocrity by keeping its head above water. But hey, there were some great shots of Philly and an awesome cameo that will probably be lost on anyone who isn't a local. There are worse ways to start a film festival.

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