Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Slither: Evolution is evil (not the teaching of it, rather the process that allows other species to become superior to us)

Horror-Comedy is one of my favorite genres, it's right up there with Film Noir, German Expressionism and Spaghetti Westerns. Slither is a great example of this genre, it might not be Shaun of the Dead-great or Severance-great but it's still pretty awesome. I love how these films reference/parody other horror movies. This one owes a lot to Rabid but it also draws heavily from The Blob, Alien, The Thing, Tremors and, possibly, Squirm.

My biggest criticism is that it focuses too much on goofiness and not enough on the scary. Maybe I'm just spoiled because I'm used to seeing Nathan Fillion on "Firefly" and if anyone can balance comedy with darker elements, it's Joss Whedon. Either way, it was good to see Elizabeth Banks. I think she's great and I'm glad that she's getting steady work without becoming a star. Sometimes fame can ruin people. Oh, and how can you put Jenna Fischer in a movie and not let her do anything? I mean, come on, she was sleeping with the director. What's a girl got to do to get a decent role?

A lot of comedies and spoofy movies come apart at the end, so I was really impressed that this one managed to culminate with an incredibly creepy and funny scene that also managed to be kinda sweet. They also did a great job of sidestepping expectations and delivering some real surprises.

Veteran character-actor Michael Rooker turns into a giant squid-type monster. What more do you want out of a movie?

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